5 Moves For A Sculpted Beach Butt

updated January 1, 2019

Hi! I’m Adam. I’m a personal trainer and the creator of The Fit Dynasty. Today, I’m going to share with you how to sculpt a tight and firm butt. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how simple and enjoyable this process can be!

Developing a sexy and proportional butt is a top fitness goal for many women, and for good reason: A well-sculpted booty is physically attractive and an indicator of your overall health. Even more importantly, the rock-solid confidence you gain when you reach your glute goals is absolutely incredible. And I’m not just talking about feeling sexy – you’ll also experience the deep, unshakeable sense of confidence that comes only from conquering a difficult goal!

Glute exercise programs

Unfortunately, most workout advice nowadays seems to be centered around a restrictive diet and spending a ton of time in the gym – and if you’re a busy person or a foodie like me, that just doesn’t cut it. Glute exercise programs in particular emphasise performing a high number of repetitions so that you “feel the burn”. This may make you believe you’re accomplishing a lot – after all, if it’s painful and time-consuming it’s got to be working, right?

​But the truth is, these high-volume workouts are overly taxing on the body, which prevents proper recovery. Additionally, high volume routines – the same type of routine that bodybuilders use leading up to an event – cause your muscle fibers to retain more water, which makes them look puffy rather than sculpted. And I’m guessing your goal is not to look like a bloated body builder! So, this type of high volume training just doesn’t make sense.

​There is a better way of developing a firm and shapely butt. It involves lifting heavier weights for less repetitions. It results in a butt that looks firm and taut rather than puffy and bloated. And it can be done in less than 60 minutes per week.

​To achieve this, we will use 5 simple lifts.


Finding Your Weight


For the exercises that follow, I won’t tell you exactly how much weight to put on the bar. This is because everyone has different starting levels of strength for different muscle groups.

Instead I will provide you a “rep range”, and you will select a weight that allows you to fall within that range. Additionally, if you are able to lift more than 1 rep above the top of the rep range, then there is not enough weight on the bar and you need to add more.

Here’s an example for finding your weight if the exercise calls for 4-6 reps:

  1. You will choose a weight that you can lift 4-6 times
  2. If you can lift the weight 8+ times, then increase the weight

This allows you to stay in the rep range while fully exerting yourself. The gains you see from this type of lifting will be dense, toned muscle.

You can increase the difficulty of your workouts over time by adding reps to each lift. Then, when you hit the highest end of the rep range for that lift, increase the weight and start over again at the bottom of the rep range.

Finding your weight for each lift may take some experimentation the first time you do it. But once you know it, you will never need to guess what weight to pick up for that lift again! This allows you to concentrate 100% of your focus on the exercise without having to plan or think about weights.

Alright… Let’s dive into the exercises!


The Exercises


This workout consists of 5 movements:

  1. Sumo Deadlifts
  2. Goblet Box Squats
  3. Step-Ups
  4. Dumbbell Lunges
  5. Hip Bridges

By using just these 5 movements, you will be able to build a strong, powerful, and sexy butt! Each move has been carefully selected to round your butt and tighten your legs. The result will be an aesthetic and proportional lower body.


1. Sumo Deadlifts

sumo deadlift

Sumo deadlifts are a massively effective lift for strengthening muscles on your posterior chain, including your hamstrings, glutes (butt) and lower back. The wide stance of the sumo deadlift puts more emphasis on the butt when compared to a standard deadlift stance.

For this exercise, you will perform 3 sets of 4-6 reps. You will take 2-3 minute rests in between sets. This will allow you to perform each set at a high intensity and with proper form.

See how sumo deadlifts compare to the romanian and conventional techniques.


  • Approach the bar with a sumo stance (wide stance)
  • Grip the bar with straight arms
  • Keeping your arms straight and your back flat and engaged, contract your glutes and straighten your body to lift the bar up
  • At the bottom of the lift, let the bar rest on the ground momentarily before repeating the lift (in the above video, the woman goes straight into the next rep without letting the bar rest since she has no weight on it).


  • 3 sets
  • 4-6 reps
  • 2-3 minute rest between sets


  • Straight bar
  • Weight plates to adjust weight


2. Goblet Box Squats

goblet box squat

Goblet Box Squats are a modified version of a standing squat. In this variation, you will be resting a dumbbell or kettlebell against your chest and squatting onto a box. This allows you to place your weight further back than you would be able to in a normal squat.

Whereas normal squats can cause a “flat butt” look as a result of disproportionate upper leg growth, the goblet box squat allows you to grow your butt and legs at a aesthetic and proportional rate instead.


  • Stand in front of a plyometric box while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your chest
  • Squat onto the box, using your glutes for control
  • Return to standing position


  • 3 sets
  • 6-8 reps
  • 2-3 minute rest between sets


  • Dumbbell or kettlebell
  • Plyometric box


3. Step Ups

Step Ups

Step-ups work one leg at a time. Adding this move to your routine ensures that both of your legs are progressing at the same rate and keeps your figure symmetrical as well as improving overall balance. In order to place the maximum emphasis on your glutes, make sure to keep your weight towards your heels during this exercise.


  • Stand facing a plyometric box while holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Step up on to the box and fully extend your front (box) leg so that your back leg is off the ground
  • Bring your back leg forward so that your upper leg is parallel with the ground
  • Reverse the movement to step back down
  • Repeat the movement, alternating legs each time


  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 reps
  • 2 minute rest between sets


  • Dumbbells
  • Plyometric box


4. Dumbbell Lunges

sumo deadlift

Like step-ups, dumbbell lunges will help you maintain a symmetrical figure while improving balance and strength. Keep your weight on your heels for maximum glute activation.


  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lunge forward so your knee is at a 90 degree angle
  • Step backwards and repeat, alternating legs
  • Your front knee should end up directly above your 2nd or 3rd toe


  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 reps per leg
  • 2 minute rest between sets


  • Dumbbells


5. Hip Bridge

hip bridge

The hip bridge is a great finishing movement to add to the end of your butt work outs. Not only does it engage your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, but it also strengthens your core and improves flexibility.


  • Lie on your back with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart
  • Keeping your tummy tight, raise your butt off of the ground
  • Your torso and upper legs should form a straight line
  • Make sure to keep your knees from moving in or out


  • 3 sets
  • Hold for 60 seconds on each set



We will split the workout into 2 different days. This will allow for plenty of recovery so you can give 100% on each session. I recommend giving 3-5 days between each session. For example, you could do your A Day on a Monday and your B Day on a Friday. You can do core, upper body, or cardio workouts in between if you would like.

Here is the Split:


Sumo Deadlifts

  • 3 sets x 4-6 reps
  • 2-3 minute rests

Step Ups

  • 3 sets x 6-10 reps
  • 2 minute rests

Hip Bridge

  • 3 sets x 60 seconds


Goblet Box Squats

  • 3 sets x 6-8 reps
  • 2-3 minute rests

Dumbbell Lunges

  • 3 sets x 6-10 reps
  • 2 minute rests

Hip Bridge

  • 3 sets x 60 seconds


Thanks for reading… You now know exactly how to sculpt a toned and firm butt in less than an hour per week!

About the Author

Hi! I’m Adam. I could tell you about the fancy fitness certifications that I have, but I believe the most important variable for success is your fitness philosophy. I believe in eating delicious foods, being good to yourself, and performing efficient workouts that allow you to achieve your goals and push your limits without straining your body.

If you want to learn more about my fitness philosophy, check out my website The Fit Dynasty. For more articles like this one, you can visit my fitness blog.