{"id":7146,"date":"2016-08-02T16:47:44","date_gmt":"2016-08-02T16:47:44","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/garagegymbuilder.com\/?page_id=7146"},"modified":"2021-01-07T09:06:06","modified_gmt":"2021-01-07T09:06:06","slug":"strongman-training-equipment","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/garagegymbuilder.com\/strongman-training-equipment\/","title":{"rendered":"Best Strongman Training Equipment Reviews 2024"},"content":{"rendered":"

updated January 1, 2019<\/p>\n

Training for Strongman competition is challenging. You never really know what you are going to be up against. Fortunately, there is a fantastic range of equipment on the market designed to prepare the strongman athlete for whatever comes his way. In this article, we will discover the best strongman training equipment in 2019 on the market. We’ll also provide an overview of the Strongman events so you know what training gear you need to prepare you for the big event.<\/p>\n

The Strongman Events<\/span><\/h2>\n

Super Yoke<\/span><\/h3>\n


A yoke is a beam that you wear over your shoulders (just like an ox does). The yoke has two posts that come off its ends to support weight. The yoke is very taxing in terms of balancing the device on your shoulders. And then there’s the weight.<\/p>\n

For a minor event, you can expect something in the order of 500 pounds of resistance. Your job is to walk with the yoke over the required distance. If that sounds easy, believe me, it’s not!<\/p>\n

Log Clean and Press<\/span><\/h3>\n


The log clean and press is pretty self explanatory. You have a log with built-in handles that you need to press to your shoulder and then power overhead.<\/p>\n

Pressing with a log is a whole lot different than doing so with a barbell. For one thing, the log is a lot fatter, which makes your balance and control a real challenge. Because you are pushing the center of gravity away from you, you don’t get nearly as much leg drive involvement in the lift, which makes the weight that much heavier.<\/p>\n


Axle Clean and Press<\/span><\/h3>\n


The axle clean and press is an even nastier version of the classic powerlifting move than the log version. The axle is ridiculously thick, which makes just getting a firm grip a major challenge.<\/p>\n

Unlike a barbell, the axle doesn’t spin, which makes it a whole lot harder to position yourself as you are bringing it up into pressing position.<\/p>\n

Conan’s Wheel<\/span><\/h3>\n

Picture the iconic scene of Arnold pushing the Wheel of Pain in the classic Conan the Barbarian movie and you’ll get the idea of this one. You are pushing a ridiculously heavy load that is fixed to some sort of wheel contraption around in circles until your body gives out – good luck!<\/p>\n


Tire Flip<\/span><\/h3>\n

This one simply involves flipping a tire over and over as quickly as you possibly can. But we’re not talking any ordinary tire here. You’ll be dealing with something in the order of 600 pounds.<\/p>\n

Truck Pull<\/span><\/h3>\n


The Truck Pull is something that you may remember from the World’s Strongest Man shows from the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. This iconic feat of strength involves strapping yourself into a harness that is attached to a truck.<\/p>\n

You will probably also have a thick rope in front of you that you use to walk yourself forward. For smaller competitions you will be asked to pull something like a fire truck. As the contest get bigger, so does the size of the truck.<\/p>\n


Sled Drag<\/span><\/h3>\n

Here you are required to drag a heavy sled from one spot to another. The sled may come in any form that the competition organizers can conjure up. It may be a huge anchor with chains attached, or a traditional sled loaded up with weight plates. This event will be especially challenging on your calves, thighs and back.<\/p>\n

Car Deadlift<\/span><\/h3>\n


The Car Deadlift is an iconic strongman event. You will probably be lifting about 600 pounds and the bar will be set a little higher than if you were deadlifting in the gym. You may find yourself grabbing a straight bar or two parallel handles that require you to take a neutral grip hold.<\/p>\n

With this event you are required to perform as many reps as you can in the designated time frame.<\/p>\n


Farmer’s Walk<\/span><\/h3>\n

In the Farmer’s Walk event, you are positioned between two bars, each one holding a sizeable weight (around 225 pounds for a local event). Your job is to pick them up and get around a prescribed course as fast as you possibly can. It may require you to travel down a straight line or, more trickily, you may have to turn around and come back again.<\/p>\n

Must Have Strongman Training Equipment<\/span><\/h2>\n