Nautilus T618 Treadmill

Nautilus T618
Nautilus T618
Nautilus T618
Nautilus T618
Nautilus T618
9.3 score
[Editors rating (9.3)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (9.3)/10

Editor rating: 9.3 / 10
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Editor’s Conclusion
The Nautilus T618 treadmill is for serious runners that need something strong, responsive, and packed with advanced features to help shape you into a better runner.

Unlike other budget-friendly treadmills, this design is built with high-end performance features built right into the deck that help to create a responsive and smooth ride. T

he exclusive Rebound™ Cushioning System offers a bit of rebound at the end of your gait cycle to help mitigate impact absorption so that it feels as if you are running on a soft surface rather than a concrete floor or sidewalk.

Running on hard and unforgiving sidewalks can be hard on your knees and joints, and this treadmill works to reduce the impact on your joints while keeping your stride nice and bright. It is also built with advanced features on the onboard display that help shape you into an all-around better runner.

It boasts a wide belt that means that you won’t need to narrow your gait cycle, and an integrated incline to boost difficulty and build muscle.

If you are on the hunt for a great treadmill that takes it easy on your joints and provides a bit of a challenge when needed, the Nautilus T618 treadmill is worth a look!
Nautilus T618 Treadmill Review Facts
Editor's Pros & Cons

Rebound™ Cushioning System protects your joints
High weight capacity
20-inch belt accommodates a natural gait cycle
Offers a Fitness Score at the end of your workout
Will not wobble or shake at high speeds
Provides a 15 percent incline
350-pound weight capacity


Slightly expensive
Speakers don’t pair wirelessly with your phone

Key Features


The Nautilus T618 treadmill is a lot more than your average treadmill. If you are in the market for something that you can use on easy recovery days or for something built to conquer any challenge, this is a great option that is worth checking out.

With a max speed of up to 12 MPH, it’s perfect for newbies as well as experienced runners that are looking to achieve high speed and zippy lap times.

One of the things that runners love most about this design is the addition of the Rebound™ Cushioning System built right into the deck.

When you watch someone run on this treadmill, you can virtually see the deck dip and rebound with every step.

In fact, running on this treadmill is far kinder to your knees and joints than running on asphalt or sidewalks.

It also provides users with a 15 percent incline that adjusts the belt up and down with a press of a button. If you want to increase the difficulty level of your run to build muscle as you run, adjusting the incline is a great choice.

It also provides users with pre-programmed workouts that automatically adjust the incline based upon difficulty level.


The side of the belt on this design measures to be 20 inches wide and 60 inches long. With a 20-inch belt, runners will have plenty of room to engage in their natural gait cycle without making adjustments to their stride to accommodate a narrow belt.

Many budget-friendly options are built with a belt that measures to be 16 inches wide, which can be too narrow to accommodate a nice and natural gait.

It’s also important to note that this treadmill is heavy. A heavy frame means that it won’t wobble or shake as you pick up the pace, and it will be strong and secure under your feet.

The downside of a heavy frame is that it is near impossible to move! Weighing in at a whopping 253 pounds, it’s best to find a permanent place to set up your machine. The upside of this heavy frame is that it has a higher weight capacity than most.

It can confidently hold up to 350 pounds, which far outshines budget-friendly designs that have a max weight capacity of 200-250 pounds.


At first glance, the display screen seems a little too simple. With so many machines rolling out fully integrated touch-screen displays, traditional LCD screens seem a bit old-fashioned.

It may seem simple at first, but I was surprised by the advanced features that this display offers runners.

One of the more unique features offered by this display is the addition of the Fitness Score. At the end of your run, this treadmill grades your overall performance from 1 to 100. I was incredibly intrigued by this feature, so I wanted to learn how it worked.

Over the course of your workout, it calculates your VO2 max by measuring your heart rate and calories burned throughout the course of your workout.

Using your age as a general guide, the final score indicates if you hit that calorie-burning sweet spot for maximum performance.

This display also shows you your speed, calories burned, distance, time, and heart rate. It comes equipped with 26 unique workout programs of various intensities that adjust the speed and incline for a challenging workout.

These workout programs are perfect for beginners as well as runners that are up for an intense challenge!


With the Bluetooth feature offered by this treadmill, users can easily sync their machines with any smartphone or tablet. Using any health app, your treadmill sends all of your workouts right to your smartphone so you can keep tabs on your progress.

If you live for closing all of your activity circles on your smartwatch, this treadmill also sends all of your hard work to your watch as well. Nothing feels better than hitting the hay knowing that you closed all of your circles!

It’s important to note that while it hosts Bluetooth connectivity and a pair of speakers on the top of the center console, it will not play music through your phone. It requires users to plug their music player into the headphone jack.

For iPhone users that don’t have a headphone jack on the newer models, this can be a bit of a problem (if you don’t have the headphone dongle).


Running in your garage or by a window watching it pour the snow outside is a little less than inspiring. With the Explore the World App, boring old runs in your home gym transport you to running trails and paths all over the globe.

Simply select the path you want to run that day, whether it is an idyllic country road or a bustling city in the middle of summer, and download it to your smartphone or tablet. Load it up onto the tablet rack and hit the road.

It’s important to note that this app requires a monthly subscription fee that is less than your monthly gym membership. Running in your home gym can become a little monotonous, especially if you are dedicated to running 7 days a week.

While this app requires a monthly fee, I feel that it is well worth it to keep you excited about hitting the treadmill. With the Explore The World app, every run in your garage can be a new adventure.


When compared to other high-end treadmills out there on the market, this design is one of your more affordable options. It isn’t exactly budget-friendly, but the advanced features in the belt, as well as the central console, are worth every penny.

The reactive belt protects your joints when running long distances or engaging in HIIT, and the advanced fitness monitoring features will shape you into a better runner.

If you are looking for a great treadmill that is built tough, this design is worth the slight investment.

Comparisons to the Nautilus T616 Treadmill

At first glance, these two treadmills seem almost identical, and it doesn’t help that they are almost identical in the name. So, what’s the difference between the T616 and the T618?

While the frame and onboard screen display are almost identical, the biggest difference boils down to overall performance. The T618 boasts a strong motor (3.5 HP compared to the T616 that has a 3 HP motor), and a higher-quality belt with larger rollers. The T618 has a 3-ply belt with 2.5-inch rollers, while the T616 boasts a 2-ply belt with 2-inch rollers.

A more powerful motor and thicker belt provide users with a more steady and comfortable ride when compared to the T616.

It’s also important to note that the T618 holds a little bit more weight. The T616 has a max weight capacity of 300 pounds while the T618 has a max weight capacity of 350 pounds.

The T618 also has a longer 15-year warranty on the frame, which is far superior when compared to the 10-year warranty on the T616.


The Nautilus T618 treadmill isn’t the most affordable treadmill out on the market, but it is far from the most expensive. What I admire most about this design is that it packs powerful features inside out that mold you into a better runner, and works to protect your knees and joints.

The Rebound technology built into the deck not only protects your joint from hard impact but also helps to add an extra spring to your step at the tail end of your gait cycle.

The onboard display may not be as fancy as touch-screen displays found on the more expensive models, but it provides a few unique features such as a Fitness Score and preprogrammed workout programs to keep you at the top of your game.

Plus, with the addition of the Explore The World app, you can transform your boring old garage into an idyllic country road, which may inspire you to lace up your running shoes on a dreary winter afternoon.