ProForm Carbon T7

ProForm Carbon T7
ProForm Carbon T7
ProForm Carbon T7
ProForm Carbon T7
ProForm Carbon T7
ProForm Carbon T7
9.7 score
[Editors rating (9.7)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (9.7)/10

Editor rating: 9.7 / 10
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Editor’s Conclusion
The Proform Carbon T7 is packed with modern features that will get you excited to hop on and go for a run.

It has a large touch screen that is compatible with iFit and a responsive deck that is offered at a very reasonable price point that is worth checking out!
ProForm Carbon T7 Review Facts
Editor's Pros & Cons

ISO Flex™ Cushioning deck helps to protect your joints while running
2.6 CHP2 Mach Z™ motor runs incredibly smooth and silently
7-inch touch screen display
Includes a 30-day free trial of the iFit app
Ample 20-inch wide running deck is ideal for all users
Impressive 300-pound weight capacity
Deck easily folds up against the center console


iFit membership requires a monthly fee
Does not provide a media shelf
Does not include any built-in running programs
Very large footprint

Key Features


Whether you are just getting started on your running journey or you are a seasoned veteran, this treadmill is a great choice for all skill levels. It is built with a 2.6 CHP2 Mach Z™ motor that is made with high-quality components that will stand the test of time.

Runners found that even when they dial up the speed to the highest setting, this inertia-driven belt and motor stay cool and quiet. It provides runners with an incredibly smooth ride that is kind to your joints. Whether you are running or walking, this motor is up to any challenge.

What I also love about this machine is that it packs in plenty of quality-of-life features that keep your indoor running sessions enjoyable. The central console comes equipped with a built-in fan that allows users to adjust the speed and intensity of the airflow.

When you pair this treadmill with a scenic running trail from the iFit app, it almost feels like you are running outdoors (instead of cooped up inside of your garage this winter).


One of the most impressive features of this treadmill lies in the running deck. It’s clear that Proform took a lot of time to craft a running deck that is super comfortable, responsive, and adjusts easily to dial up the difficulty. This deck measures to be 20-inches wide and 55-inches long.

A 20-inch wide deck is ideal for most runners, and even if you have a wide frame you will not need to adjust your natural gait cycle to prevent your feet from clipping the sides of the belt.

With 55-inches of the belt behind you, this belt provides an ample platform to run like you are running on the sidewalk around your neighborhood.

This belt is also built with Proform’s ISO Flex™ Cushioning. Your running shoes provide you with added impact absorption and cushioning, and so does your running platform. This deck is built with patented shock absorbers that work to protect your joints with each and every step.

What I also love about this running belt is that it can be adjusted at an incline to increase the overall difficulty and help build strength in your lower body.

To adjust the incline of the running deck, simply press the incline button on the central console. This deck is able to be adjusted up to 10 degrees quickly and efficiently.


With a full-color 7-inch touch screen display, there is no need to bring your own tablet or smartphone to the party. While this treadmill works best with the compatible iFit membership, it’s not a requirement.

When used without the iFit membership, this display screen is fairly simplistic. It details your time in use, speed, incline, calories burned, and distance.

Unfortunately, this screen is only compatible with the iFit app, and the lack of a media shelf means that you can’t load up Netflix on your phone and go for a run. You technically could, but it means that you will need to hold your phone in your hands as you run.

The bright touch screen is great and easy to read and toggle through menus, but you won’t reap the full benefits of this machine without an iFit subscription.


With an iFit subscription, this treadmill transforms into a basic cardio machine to a commercial gym right in your own home. When you purchase your treadmill, it comes with a free 30-day free trial of iFit to give you a taste of what you would be missing if you opt-out of the membership.

I hate subscription apps as much as the next person, but I really feel that this monthly membership is well worth the price tag.

Overall, it costs a little less than a gym membership, and provides just as many workout classes and features as your local gym without the need to load up a gym bag!

One of my favorite features of iFit is that it offers live classes with leaderboards. Follow along with the class instructor and try and top the leaderboard. As a competitive person, the leaderboards are a great way to wring every ounce of sweat from my body in an effort to place on the leaderboard.

It’s also important to note that membership doesn’t just end with running classes. It also offers other workout programs that you can utilize off of the treadmill as well!

If you aren’t really into live classes, the iFit app also has a wide catalog of scenic runs from around the world. These virtual running sessions take you on stunning virtual adventures as you run next to the paint can shelf in your garage.


I won’t sugar-coat it- this treadmill demands quite a bit of space in your home gym. With a large 20-inch by 55-inch running platform, you will need to dedicate a good deal of space in your home workout area to accommodate this beast of a treadmill. It measures 32.2-inches wide, 73.5-inches deep, and stands to be 57.5-inches tall.

This treadmill provides a robust running deck that allows you to run naturally but demands quite a bit of floor space in your home gym.

This treadmill may be big and bulky, but the good news is that it has foldable features that are super easy to use. When you need to clear up a bit of floor space for a yoga session or plyometrics, the deck of this unit folds up against the central console.

It’s not so compact that you can tuck it into a closet or under your bed, but it helps to clear up some floor space as needed.

What I also love about this bereft machine is that it has a weight capacity of 300 pounds that is much higher than many of the other treadmills out there on the market. It’s important to note that a higher weight capacity also means that this machine is very heavy.

Once assembled, this machine weighs in at a whopping 223 pounds! Be sure to find a forever home for this machine, because moving it will prove to be pretty difficult!


When this treadmill arrives at your door, it weighs 223 pounds in the box. Even if you are super strong, you will likely need a partner (or three!) to help carry this box inside of your house. Once you have successfully moved it to where you want to set it up, the next step is putting it together!

Many users found that this treadmill is a bit of a nightmare to assemble. While the belt itself is completely assembled, used must attach the feet and the console to the deck, and it is a very frustrating and time-consuming process.

If you plan on doing it yourself, I suggest asking a friend to help and setting aside the better part of an afternoon.

As always, if you are not very confident in your handyman abilities, it may be in your best interest to pay just a little bit extra to hire the pros to assemble your treadmill for you.

Not only will this save you from the immense frustration of putting it together yourself, but it also means that you can use it with the confidence that it was put together properly!


When you start to get into the market of treadmills with full-color touch screens, the price jumps up exponentially. What makes the Proform Carbon T7 unique is that while it provides runners with a full-color touch screen display, it keeps the price tag under 4 digits.

If you are on the hunt for an excellent treadmill that is built like a tank and has advanced, modern features at a reasonable price point, this treadmill is a wonderful addition to any home gym (as long as you have the available floor space!).


If you are on the hunt for a really great treadmill that packs in a lot of modern features without that bank account-draining price tag, the Proform Carbon T7 is a treadmill that is worth checking out.

Another great product we reviewed is the ProForm Cadence WLT, so make sure to check it out as well.

In fact, this treadmill shares a lot in common with the popular Peloton treadmill. It boasts a responsive deck that cushions your joints as you run, and the compatible iFit app boasts live classes, leaderboards, and other training sessions you can access on or off of your treadmill.

The biggest difference between these two treadmills? The Proform model clocks in at a fraction of the price.