Weslo Cross Cycle

Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
Weslo Cross Cycle
8.6 score
[Editors rating (8.6)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (8.6)/10

Editor rating: 8.6 / 10
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Editor’s Conclusion
Running low on funds? The Weslo Cross Cycle is one of the most affordable stationary bikes that money can buy.

This compact cardio machine clocks in at a price point that is most likely less than your spend on a pair of training shoes. It’s small and compact, offers inertia-driven resistance, and supports up to 250 pounds of user weight.

It’s important, however, to always remember that you get what you pay for. This bike gets the job done, but it’s not the highest-performing bike that money can buy.

If you are simply looking for a great cardio machine that targets your upper and lower body while working up a great fat-burning sweat, the Weslo Cross Cycle is worth checking out!
Editor's Pros & Cons

Very affordable
Holds up to 250 pounds
Offers inertia-driven resistance
The simple digital display is easy to read
Wobbles under higher speeds
Very small and compact
Integrated tablet holder
The seat is able to be adjusted


Not ideal for strength training
Users found seat it very uncomfortable
Some users found it was very noisy
Very difficult to assemble

Key Features


I would recommend this stationary bike for those that want to shed calories and stay active. It utilizes an inertia-driven flywheel with adjustable resistance that is good, but it’s not great.

If you are on the hunt for a stationary bike designed to build muscle, this option doesn’t quite reach the higher levels of resistance needed for strength training. For burning calories, however, this bike really shines.

It provides users with adjustable pedals to lock their feet in place and moving handlebars similar to an elliptical to keep your upper body engaged as well. By moving your upper body as you pedal, you engage more muscle groups which in turn burn more calories.

When traveling at an easy pace, the steel frame of this bike holds firm. As you pick up the pace, some users have found that this bike is prone to wobbling.

It’s also important to note that this bike doesn’t exactly provide a very comfortable ride. Many previous users felt that the seat is a little slim and hard and really digs into the skin on longer rides. Of course, you can elect to stand upright when using this bike to take a bit of the pressure off of your rear end.

When standing, you will engage more muscle ground and also burn more calories as well.


Adjustability on this machine is limited, but there are some things that you can do to create a more comfortable and secure ride.

What I love about the pedal on this machine is that they are equipped with adjustable straps that hold your feet securely in place. When your feet are strapped to the pedals, you don’t have to worry about your feet slipping off of the pedals.

I’ve had my feet slip off of the pedals before on a stationary bike, and my shins still shudder just thinking about it!

The seat on this design is also able to be adjusted, but only slightly. It has a knob at the bottom of the seat that allows you to move the seat up and down to accommodate your specific body type. Simply twist the knob, pull the seat into the desired position, and screw the knob tightly in place.

You can also slightly adjust the horizontal pitch of the seat to find that perfect angle that is comfortable for you.

In addition to making adjustments on the seat and pedals, you can also easily adjust the resistance on the flywheel.

The adjustment knob is located next to the central display screen and it allows you to dial the intensity up or down without getting off of the bike.


With a fitness bike that clocks in under 100 bucks, I wasn’t expecting much in terms of a digital display. In fact, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Weslo omitted the digital display completely to keep the cost low.

Much to my surprise, this design comes with a very large and easy-to-read LCD display that shows you all of your workout progress at a glance. It boasts a very large number that is easy to read and details calories burned, speed, time, and distance traveled.

If you prefer to listen to podcasts or burn through a Netflix series, this bike also provides a tablet shelf. It’s technically listed as a tablet shelf under the product description, but the shelf is much too small to accommodate even smaller tablets. Overall, this media shelf is better suited for smaller smartphones.

It’s also important to note that this media shelf sits right below your progress screen. If you decide to watch a show while you train, you will have to move your phone to check in on your progress.

Since this device does not support Bluetooth compatibility, it won’t track your progress via apps such as MyFitnessPal.


Don’t be fooled by the small and brightly colored box- this machine can be rather frustrating to assemble. The good news is that it comes with all of the bolts and screws needed and is neatly organized for quick and easy access.

Users found that the instructional manual is fairly easy to follow, but there are a few downsides to the assembly of this bike.

First of all, it doesn’t include any of the tools needed to put it together, so be prepared to bust out that old and dusty toolbox!

While many exercise bikes ship with the main chamber completely assembled (leaving you to only attach feet, pedals, and arms), this bike arrives like a Lego set - but it isn’t nearly as exciting to assemble as Legos.

I recommend asking a friend to help with the assembly process, as well as talk you off a ledge when you start to get overly frustrated!

It’s only fitting that a high-performing and incredibly affordable exercise bike come with a few disadvantages.

When looking at the Weslo Cross Cycle, putting it together is one of its biggest disadvantages. However, once it is fully assembled - you will never have to put it together ever again!


If you are working with a very small amount of room in your home gym, this exercise bike is a great choice. Once assembled, it measures to be 42.50 inches long, 20 inches wide and stands to be 49 inches high.

To put that into perspective, a Peloton bike measures to be 59 inches long, 23 inches wide, and stands to be 53 inches high. When compared back to back, the Weslo bike is much smaller and more compact, making it a perfect choice for those that are quickly running out of space in their home gym.

What’s also great about this design is that it is able to accommodate up to 250 pounds on its strong steel frame. Often, when shopping around for budget-friendly exercise equipment, the overall weight limit can be comically low.

However, a 250-pound weight capacity for such an affordable machine is quite impressive. The Peloton bike can hold about 50 pounds more than the Weslo bike, and it costs well over a thousand dollars more!


Have I mentioned that this bike is insanely affordable? At under 100 bucks, I expected this bike to fall a little flat, but I was pleasantly surprised.

While it’s not exactly a high-end strength training bike, it’s a great choice for when you just need to move. It’s small and compact, and can live in your home office to use when you just need to stand up and move!

It has a competitive weight capacity that keeps up with higher-end stationary bikes, and plenty of manual adjustment features to keep your workout new and engaging. I’ve reviewed quite a few exercise bikes, and the Weslo Cross Cycle is one of your best overall values.


If you spend all of your extra cash on cross-training shoes and suddenly find that you don’t have enough left for any workout equipment, the Weslo Cross Cycle is a great choice!

This is a super budget-friendly bike that doesn’t actually feel like a budget-friendly bike. It boasts plenty of adjustable features to keep your workouts challenging and engaging, and an easy-to-read LCD display to keep tabs on your progress.

It even has a smart media rack that is big enough for a smartphone to binge your favorite shows while you shed pounds.

It’s a great little cardio machine that won’t take up that much room in your home gym and comes in at a price point that won’t do that much damage to your bank account. If you are on the hunt for a great full-body cardio machine, the Weslo Cross Cycle is certainly worth checking out!

Plus, with a low price point and a compact shipping box, it can also serve as an excellent gift for fitness friends and family that love trying out new fitness equipment!