Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill

Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill
Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill
Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill
Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill
8.2 score
[Editors rating (8.2)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (8.2)/10

Editor rating: 8.2 / 10
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Editor’s Conclusion
If you are on the hunt for a super affordable treadmill that brings a little extra to the table, the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill is worth checking out!

What makes this treadmill unique is that it boasts a pair of resistance arms that turns a lower-body machine into a full-body workout to activate the muscles in your upper and lower body.

This treadmill is super easy to fire up right out of the box and comes with 4 pre-programmed workouts that are geared towards weight loss or strength-building.

If your home gym is in dire need of a cardio machine and funds are low, this treadmill is worth checking out!
Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill Review Facts
Editor's Pros & Cons

Comfort cell cushioning protects your knees and joints
SpaceSaver design folds compactly to free up floor space
Comes with a 30-day free trial of iFit
Resistance arms provide a full-body workout
Reaches top speeds of 10 MPH
Two-position adjustable incline
Affordable price point
Heart rate monitor included
Offer 4 preprogrammed workouts for weight loss or strength-building


Difficult to assemble
Very noisy, especially at higher speeds
No dedicated media shelf

Key Features


The Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill is built for those that want to elevate their heart rate and work in a full-body workout in an affordable package. It’s not the most advanced treadmill out there on the market, but it gets the job done.

What makes this design stand out from a sea of other treadmills is that it comes equipped with a pair of resistance arms to squeeze in an upper body workout much like an elliptical. It’s simple to use and offers a few extra bells and whistles to help you reach your fitness goal.

This design comes with a pretty powerful 2.25 horsepower motor that is able to achieve speeds up to 10 miles per hour. It’s important to note that while this motor is powerful, it is also incredibly loud. Users found that at the lowest speed setting it is quite noisy, and that sound continues to amplify as you amp up the speed.

To increase the challenge, this design also provides users the option to adjust the incline of the belt. The incline of this treadmill is a little weak, and can only be achieved by jumping off of the treadmill and lowering the rear legs.

The incline is a little shallow and not as impressive as treadmills that can achieve an incline of up to 15 degrees, but it’s better than nothing!


The display screen is exactly what you would expect from a budget-friendly treadmill. It boasts a blacklist LCD screen that tracks all of your pertinent details such as speed, calories burned, distance, time in use, and even your heart rate. It even provides 4 pre-programmed workouts that will automatically adjust the speed of the belt as you progress through the timed workout.

Two of these preprogrammed workouts are designed for weight loss, and the other two are designed for building strength and endurance.

This very simple display makes it very easy to get started. Simply press the start button when you are ready to start, and the stop button when you are finished. You can also adjust the speed setting with the arrow buttons at the bottom of the display screen.

If you are in the middle of a preprogrammed workout and feel that the speed is just a little too fast, you can override the speed and knock it down a few notches.


This treadmill measures to be 63-inches long, 32-inches wide, and stands to be 48-inches tall.

When compared to higher-end treadmills out there on the market such as Peloton, this design is much smaller and will work better in smaller spaces. One feature that I love about this design is that the belt is able to be folded up against the central console to free up a little floor space as needed.

It doesn’t fold compactly enough to stash it in a closet, but it will provide more than enough available floor space for your next yoga session or CrossFit workout.


This unit weighs in at 127 pounds, which I feel is a little light for a treadmill. Despite its lightweight design, it is still able to accommodate up to 250 pounds of weight. Many users found that as they amped up the speed on this device, the entire unit came down with a serious case of the wobbles.

While it’s a little lighter than other designs, the lightweight frame makes it that much easier to move as needed.

To move your treadmill to a new location, simply fold the deck up against the center console, and use the wheels that are mounted to the front of the design to move it to a new location in your home workout area.

This design feature means that most users do not need to ask for help when they need to move their treadmill.


No one likes to spend the better part of an afternoon assembling workout equipment, so Welso tried to keep it as simple as possible. When your treadmill ships to your door, the deck is completely assembled (and even arrives pre-lubricated).

All you will need to do is attach the feet to the deck, and the deck to the center console, as well as attach the arms.

Many users reported that assembling their treadmill only took around 30-45 minutes, and was simple enough to do alone. However, if you don’t want to be bothered with taking the time to assemble your machine, you always have options!

For a slight bump in price, you can opt to have the pros assemble your machine for you. This is a great option for those that just don’t have the time to assemble their machine, or aren’t quite confident in their handyman skills!


One of the things that I love about the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill is that the deck is built with something called Comfort Cell Cushioning. This added layer of cushioning built right into the belt helps to protect your knees and joints as you run.

The comfort features built into this deck feel more like running on grass or dirt trails rather than hard and unforgiving concrete.

It’s also important to note that the size of this deck is a little on the narrow side. Budget-friendly treadmills often suffer from a narrow belt, and the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill is no exception.

The belt on this design measures to be only 16-inches wide and 47-inches long. Welso recommends that this belt be used by runners that measure to be under 6 feet tall when running.

If you are over 6 feet tall, it doesn’t mean that the treadmill police will come and arrest you. It simply means that you will need to consciously adjust your gait cycle to avoid clipping the side of the belt as you run.


One surprising feature of this super affordable treadmill is the addition of Bluetooth connectivity, but it is only compatible with the iFit app. iFit is a monthly subscription app that delivers live fitness classes, leaderboards, and exploration courses to get you excited to lace up those sneakers and go for a run.

I typically hate subscription apps, but I feel that iFit is well worth the price. Overall, it will cost you a little less than what you typically pay for a monthly gym membership. If you are quite sure that iFit is worth the investment, this treadmill comes with a 30-day free trial to get you started.

IFit is great, but there is one glaring issue when it comes to using iFit with this treadmill, and that’s the lack of a dedicated media shelf. There are two vertical racks on either side of the display screen, but neither one is big enough to hold a tablet or even a larger smartphone in landscape mode.

Users will either need to get a little creative in how they mount their tablet or follow along with iFit mounted sideways on the small shelf.


Sure, this treadmill has its issues, but you can’t beat that price point! With a powerful motor, resistance arms for a full-body experience, and the ability to pair it with the iFit app, this machine is well worth every penny!

If you are on the hunt for a treadmill that clocks in at a super affordable price point and packs advanced features to keep your joints protected and your mind engaged and challenged, this design is worth a look.

It may not be the sturdiest or quietest design out there on the market, but it can effectively help you work up a sweat and engage those muscles.


Is the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill the most advanced treadmill out there on the market? Not necessarily. It certainly has a few issues, but these issues aren’t deal-breakers, and are well worth it when you consider the super affordable price point!

What makes this design stand out from the pack is the addition of resistance arms that transform a lower-body machine into a full-body workout experience.

This treadmill is built with a cushioned deck to help keep your joints nice and protected as you run, and a two-position incline to amp up the challenge as needed. Plus, it boasts Bluetooth compatibility that allows you to pair this machine to a free 30-day trial of iFit to keep you motivated and engaged.

Sure, the motor may be a little noisy, and the deck isn’t exactly built for users that clock in at over 6 feet tall. But the list of advanced features with the super affordable price tag makes the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t treadmill worth checking out!