Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill
Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill
Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill
Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill
8.6 score
[Editors rating (8.6)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (8.6)/10

Editor rating: 8.6 / 10
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Editor’s Conclusion
Treadmills are a staple of any home gym, they often demand a lot of available space and money. The Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill not only boasts a super compact frame, but it also clocks in at a super affordable price point.

If you have limited space in your home gym and want to include effective cardio equipment, this treadmill is worth a look. What makes this treadmill so unique is that the compact design allows users to tuck this machine under the couch or lean it up against a wall when you need to clear up a bit of floor space.

Unlike other folding treadmills that fold up at a 45-degree angle, this treadmill is able to fold completely flat. What I also love about this treadmill is that you can use it with or without the handlebars, and it still provides a progress screen built right into the belt of the treadmill.

It has a surprisingly powerful motor on such a slim frame, and an included remote control allows you to easily adjust the speed as needed.

If you are running out of room in your home gym, the Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill is worth checking out!
Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill Review Facts
Editor's Pros & Cons

Folds completely flat to store under a bed or sofa
Very easy to assemble
Bluetooth compatibility
Built-in speakers play music from your phone
Very quiet motor
Compatible with GYMAX fitness app
Affordable price point


Very narrow and short belt
Weak motor
Difficult to read display
Users can only adjust the speed via remote control

Key Features


It’s important to note right out of the gate that this treadmill isn’t necessarily built for runners that are training for a race or for elite runners. This treadmill is designed for those that are stuck inside and just need to move!

If you have trouble fitting in your steps in a single day, or just want to fit in a killer fat-burning jog, this is a great choice. While it doesn’t have the advanced performance features as many of the high-end treadmills, the compact design and low price point are well worth the sacrifice.

Overall, I would recommend this treadmill for recovery workouts, tempo runs, and logging your daily steps. The size of this treadmill is so compact that many users pair it with their standing desks to log in steps as they work.

It’s so slim and compact that it can also be used in the living room while watching television, and then compactly stored under the sofa at the end of the day.


The motor on this design isn’t super powerful, but it certainly gets the job done. It hosts a 2.25HP motor, which many users found ran quietly even at higher speeds. Most home treadmills host a motor of around 2.5HP, with more powerful and expensive treadmills clocking in at 4HP.

Many budget-friendly and compact treadmills offer 1.5HP, which isn’t quite powerful enough to work up a good sweat.

Many users found that the performance of this motor was fairly consistent, and ran quietly. It is able to reach speeds of up to 8 MPH, which breaks down to about a 7:30 mile.

With a very slim dashboard and handles, running at the top speed may prove to be a little unstable, so GoPlus included an emergency clip that automatically stops the belt if you lose your footing.


One of the best features of this treadmill is its portability. If you are working with very little space in your home gym, the Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill is one of your very best space-saving options. It provides users with foldable handrails that collapse 90 degrees and wrap around the running deck.

With a completely flat design once collapsed and a low-to-the-floor frame, this design is a cinch to tuck under a sofa or a bed while not in use. It also weighs in at just shy of 70 pounds, which also makes it easier to move as well.

To make it even easier to move, this design also provides a pair of wheels on the base of the belt that makes it a cinch to roll to that perfect spot in your home the 68-pound frame isn’t terribly hard to move, but the wheels on the base allow you to store it or move it to a new location without straining your lower back.


Budget-friendly treadmills don’t often come equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, but this treadmill is the exception to this rule! While the onboard screen display is pretty simplistic (and impossible to adjust while in use), the included Bluetooth connectivity is a great way to keep tabs on your progress.

Users can pair this phone with their exercise app, or link it with their music that will play through the speakers.

Users can download the GYMAX app for free to their smartphones to keep track of their progress on and off of the treadmill. Simply pair your machine to your phone, and the GYMAX app automatically tracks all of your running progress.

I love that you can mount your smartphone to the media rack and keep tabs on your progress as well as change up your music playlist as you walk or run.


While this design does support a progress display screen, it isn’t mounted in the same place as your average treadmill. To achieve its fully collapsible frame, it means that the progress display screen cannot be mounted to the handlebars. Instead, your progress can be found at the base of the treadmill.

The backlit screen is easier to read in low light conditions but harder to read in a bright room. It details your time, distance, speed, and calories burned.

Without access to an onboard display on the handlebars, it means that you cannot toggle through your progress or adjust the speed while you are in the middle of a workout. GoPlus includes a small remote control that allows users to adjust turn their treadmill on and off and adjust the speed via the remote control.

It’s handy, but without any onboard storage is means that you will need to hold the remote in your hands (or place it in your pocket) as you workout. It also means that you will also need to supply it with batteries if you want to adjust the speed of your belt.


There’s good news and bad news when it comes to the size of the belt. It measures to be just 16 inches wide and 40 inches long, which means that it won’t take up that much space in your home gym.

The downside of a small and narrow belt is that many users must slightly adjust their normal gait cycle to accommodate this smaller belt. When compared to similar treadmills out there on the market, this design falls a little short.

Many budget-friendly treadmills host a width of 16 inches, which may prove to be a little narrow for some. For users with a wider frame, it will take some slight adjustments to ensure that your feet don’t clip the sides of the belt. Where this belt strays from the norm, however, is the length of the belt.

Many compact options boast a belt that measures to be at least 50 inches long, but this design only measures to be 40 inches long. For runners with long legs, this short belt may prove to be a bit of a problem.


The Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill’s best feature is the super affordable price point. If you are running low on available funds for cardio equipment in your home gym, this treadmill is worth checking out. While it doesn’t provide the advanced features of commercial-grade treadmills, it gets the job done.

With a 2.5HP motor and comfort features built right into the running belt, this machine will help shed calories and build muscle without draining your bank account.


If you are on the hunt for a great cardio machine, the Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill is worth checking out. One of the very best features of this treadmill is that it boasts a slim frame that is perfect for those that aren’t working with a whole lot of space in their home gym.

The included handlebars may prove to be a little flimsy and aren’t equipped with a digital display, but they are able to be folded compactly against the belt for easy storage.

Plus, folding the handrails down means you can tuck this treadmill under your standing desk to squeeze in your daily steps as you work at your computer.

Is it the most powerful treadmill out there on the market? No, not necessarily. It’s a great tool for modest cardio workouts and walking, but it isn’t designed for intense daily training for elite-level runners.

The Goplus 2 in 1 folding treadmill is a simple machine that demands very little of your space in your home gym, and very little of the money in your bank account. If you are on the hunt for a more powerful machine, be prepared to dish out the money!

This treadmill may not be the most advanced treadmill out there on the market, but it works incredibly well at getting you moving and shedding calories!